Chih-Fan (Rich) Pai

PhD Student
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of California San Diego

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I am a PhD student in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the University of California San Diego (UCSD), where I am advised by Prof. Yang Zheng. I obtained my MS in Communication Engineering from National Taiwan University (NTU), where I was advised by Prof. See-May Phoong. I received my BS in ECE from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University.


I am broadly interested in the theory of optimization, control and sequential decision-making. Currently, I am investigating the problems of partially-observed linear quadratic (LQ) stochastic control and robust control from a policy optimization perspective, by analyzing their nonconvex optimization landscape with an overarching goal to develop model-free learning algorithms for the design of control policies with performance guarantees.

Previously, I worked on reward-free exploration in reinforcement learning, specifically the problem of online active model estimation for Markov decision processes. I also worked on signal processing for communication systems for my MS study.




I worked as a teaching assistant for the following courses.